A few years ago, I read a piece by designer Frank Chimero called "What Advice Would You Give a Graphic Design Student?" where he suggests, "Keep two books on your nightstand at all times: one fiction, one non-fiction." I've always been a big book guy, but I always keep Frank's advice in mind...though sometimes, one or the other is a magazine. (One of the good ones.) And, like most, I'm also a fan of turning off the overhead light to settle into bed with a nightstand lamp...and, if you've looked at the picture above, you get where I'm going with this...
Gina from The Shabby Creek Cottage (who I've met in person, and is wicked cool!) shares her process for turning a stack of vintage books and some hardware store supplies into a proper bedside lamp, for only ten bucks and in less than an hour of work.
Coupled with an antique bulb, this project can go lots of ways. The ultimate design depends on your selection of books - so pick ones that match your style (I'd try to find some old outdoor manuals and pulp sci-fi annuals), and go for it. Find Gina's how-to at:
Make It: Book Lamp[The Shabby Creek Cottage]