The perfect board that will allow you to eat, mingle, and hold your drink, all at the same time. We want 10 please.
The Puzzle Board by OOOMS - Dutch Design Studio is perfect for summer entertaining. How many times have you been at a party, where your hands were so full you: A - spilled your drink, B - smearshed cheese on your shirt, C - hid in a corner to ravage your food so you could get it out of the way. Sounds too familiar, right?
The Puzzle Board is a great option to avoid all that mess. You can line them up in a row to display food or you can pass them around for people to hold their food and drink, without any spilled red wine casualties.
They're available at SuperMarketHQ for a mere $26, but I like the idea of trying this yourself. Some 1" maple and a jigsaw should do the trick with a little sanding. If wine glasses aren't your think, a hole saw could make a nice resting place for a tapered whiskey tumbler
Head over here to get yours!