First rule of men's style: the fit. But the second? The details. They're the thing that take you from looking like a guy who doesn't not know how to dress to, well, you. And a pocket square is the perfect way to inject a little personality into your whole deal.
The team at Kaufmann Mercantile report,
Disposable tissues may have replaced cloth handkerchiefs for everyday use, but “We’re in a post-Casual Friday world. We have a culture of being fit and healthy, and the next logical jump is to start caring about the way you look, too.”
Patrick Ryan and Miriam Zelinsky started Lazy Jack Press to bring a bit more personality into menswear. “Pocket squares for us are a nice complement to the ties, because some people just don’t wear ties ever,” said Ryan. “For a regular guy, a pocket square is a place where you can express yourself in lieu of a tie.
Once you've snagged the right one, then you've just gotta master the fold.
Kaufmann Mercantile has you covered there as well, offering a step-by-step guide to the Flat, the Pointed, the One Point, the Two Point, the Three Point, and the Puff and Reverse.
Check out the full piece: Fold a Pocket Square - Experts on How & Why To Wear One