A fine pair of audio speakers is a common sight at a secondhand store, but, of course, there's a reason the original donor got rid of them. Perhaps it was a failure in the wiring (easily fixable), a distaste for the 80s faux wood laminate case work (um...paintable?), but most likely, it's a simple aging and drying of the speaker's foam that amounts to poor sound quality and projection that caused the speakers to be tossed. If that's the case, there's a simple, affordable fix to get them back in hi-fi quality and pushing the air with whatever tunes you pump into them.
Usually, it's simply the edges of a tweeter or woofer that fail, and the cabinet and cones in fine shape. So, Instructable-r Andrea Biffi came up with a clever solution to bring them back to life for a mere $15.00.
Get the full how-to at Instructables, and rock out! Re-Foam Your Old Speakers