A few days ago, I stabbed myself. By accident, I mean. A misplaced X-Acto knife rolled under some paper scraps, and I jammed my left index finger right into the tip of its blade. As I was applying my second Band-Aid, I recalled this item I'd seen on Pinterest earlier that day; essentially, a broom head, flipped upside down to stash tools and desk items. It's no longer for sale, but no worries, you can make your own in a snap.
The trick, of course, lies in simply procuring the right materials. You're looking for a "shop brush" or a "hand broom." I had an old one I snagged from my grandfather's garage, but they can easily be found online or at a local independent hardware store. Here's a good one. (Perhaps your home improvement center carries them; mine doesn't). Or, you can find a replacement push broom head, or might even look in the cleaning aisle for an old fashioned natural bristle scrub brush.
Whatever route you go, you can cut it to size, or cut off the handle, if desired. I'm keeping mine whole to maintain functionality as a broom. Two birds, one stone, no more cut fingers.