Spring is just around the corner...kinda. While we're waiting a little longer to get seeds in the ground, here's a fun indoor project to prep for the season.
Intimate Weddings created this easy tutorial that'll keep your herbs and veg nice and organized...by which I mean, remind you what you've planted. Go to the market to get your pick out your seeds and make them in advance so that when all this snowy gunk is gone you can get to work right away.
Like all the other tutorials we love, this one requires a few tools:
- Rubber mallet or hammer
- Stamping set
- Silver spoons or any other type of metal plaque that's soft enough to stamp
- Permanent marker
- Piece of scrap wood or work bench
They've chosen some rather fancy spoons, but there's no reason you couldn't opt for a plainer style for a more masculine look
Honestly, there's nothing like growing your own food. For some reason everything tastes THAT much better when you harvest it yourself, in a way it's a DIY salad from beginning to end! Even your food is DIYed! (You're awesome).
Get the full set of instructions and step-by-step photos on Intimate Weddings