The DIY blogosphere is rife with dresser makeovers. Like, completely full of them. And most involve some rescued thrift store piece, dinged up and the wooden finish too 70s to bear, which gets sanded, painted, and perhaps something graphic or colorful applied to the drawers. It's a great trick, practical, useful, and affordable, and you can find a million tutorials on how to go about it. So, though the idea of hacking IKEA furniture is nothing new, this revamp-style dresser makeover on a new IKEA piece yields some pretty novel results:
The process involved a little painting, a little finishing, and some light DIYing on the base to accept new legs. The whole thing gets a nautical, New England or even Scandinavian vibe; full of personality, but basic enough to match nearly anything. Clever. See the full process:
Before & After: A Basic Dresser Gets Dressed Up []