Each Wednesday, I post some of my favorite can't-miss links, images, and otherwise mindblowing goodies from across the web.
Sometimes, you're out and about, and you realize: you're not really looking your sharpest. An unexpected spill, a weird hair thing happening, or perhaps you're not smelling so fresh. In those cases, and plenty others, consultthis guide from Valet on how to sharpen your look on the fly. [Photo by Time & Life Pictures, from At Home with Steve McQueen: Newly Released Intimate Photos from 1963]
Holiday Matinee makes some of the best monthly mixtapes... here's their June edition.
Speaking of mixtapes, I'm intrigued by Roadtrip Mixtape, "a clever app by Echo Nest developer Paul Lamere that generates a Spotify playlist of local artists to listen to while you’re on the road. Enter your departure and arrival points and the application generates a playlist of musicians from between those two spots." Learn more on Laughing Squid
Esquire staff writer Tom Chiarella reflects on How to Give a Eulogy
An interesting look at one of the most used typefaces in the English-speaking world, Times New Roman: