When researching his book Daily Rituals: How Artists Work, author Mason Currey discovered that many great writers, thinkers, and authors kept specific records of their daily schedules, and how they handled the work, administrative tasks, leisure, rest, and exercise balance that will always characterize the creative lifestyle. Fast Company shares this infographic, by creative marketing agency Distilled, which provides some insight into their routines, organized from the earliest to latest risers. They note,
Perhaps what stands out most is how few of these creative people had good old-fashioned day jobs. Writer Franz Kafka was the only one in this group who had a profession unrelated to his creative field: he was, famously and miserably, a bureaucrat at theWorker’s Accident Insurance Institute in the Kingdom of Bohemia (not as cool as it sounds). Philosopher Immanuel Kant lectured at a university in the mornings, American writer Kurt Vonnegut taught at a school, composer Wolfgang Mozart gave music lessons here and there, and Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis, treated patients. But the rest spent virtually all their waking hours--in some cases, hours most people spend sleeping--devoted to their creative and intellectual work.
Time management, buddy. Time management. See the full analysis at Fast.Co Design: The Daily Routines Of 26 Of History's Most Creative Minds