Each Wednesday, I post some of my favorite can't-miss links, images, and otherwise mindblowing goodies from across the web.
A group of adventurers gathered for the annual International Highline Meeting, a collection of 18 slacklines hung up to 330 feet in the air in the Italian Dolomite mountains.
Here, the participants hang out in a series of hammocks strung up amongst the lines. See more photos at My Modern Met
David McRaney investigates how some people can believe things you cannot...particularly, non-dominant belief-mapping...things like young earth creationism, conspiracy theorists, intense prejudice, etc.
In "A New Kind of Living," artist Nathan Prouty expands the scope of the snow globe.
The Kitchn offers a 'name that crazy kitchen gadget' quiz
"The Animal that Wouldn't Die" tells the tale of the seemingly immortal animal, the Hydra.