If you’re just now getting into building things on your own, buying pre-made legs is a great way to keep your focus on building and finishing a flat surface, like a tabletop, without worrying about the mechanics of leg structures. I can definitely say when I started building things I didn't trust the weight of a coffee mug on my tables. Thankfully, we now have an inventive product like The Floyd Leg to the rescue!
After a successful Kickstarter, Kyle Hoff and Alex O'Dell started manufacturing these unique and easy-to-use systems known as The Floyd Legs. All it takes is one set of legs and a relitavely flat, sturdy surface for the legs to clamp onto. No tools required!
Each set is ready to go as soon as they arrive at your door. This out-of-the-box mentality makes it perfect for beginning DIYers and even professionals that may need a quick, sturdy surface without compromising for battle-scarred saw horses. You can purchase the legs at varying heights and colors to match whatever project you need a table for. Find out more on their website.
The Floyd Leg www.thefloydleg.com