If you’re thinking about revamping your brand, whatever it might be, you should consider doing something that's completely out of the ordinary. This identity and stationery design by Bureau Rabensteiner is the perfect example.
Forget about classic formats and rules that don’t allow you to be playful with your brand. Let go of the plain and boring (and the Helveticas, of course) and embrace the wild and creative.
Bureau Rabensteiner created this design for N. Daniels, a rep and photo producer in Vienna. The design is very simple, yet delivers a good dose of wow factor. For this design, the studio used thermosensitive paper that fades with body temperature. No business card is the same. Each unique look is created by the person that’s holding the paper. So neat!
I’m definitely digging the Polaroid shaped cards - super modern and quirky.
What do you think? Do you like this type of design?
[Identity and Stationary Design by Bureau Rabensteiner for N. Daniels]