How To: Make an Inexpensive DIY Art Print have a huge blank space on your wall staring at you everyday. You don't know what to do with it, but know that buying an original piece that size is way out of your budget. What do you do? Of...
View ArticleBlow My Mindsday: April 24, 2013
Each Wednesday, I post some of my favorite can't-miss links, images, and otherwise mindblowing goodies from across the web. A fun and informative flow chart that details the various ways that time...
View ArticleHow To: Make the Perfect Homemade Salsa
Though it's the way most of us consume them, salsas are not just for chips. That limitation is a shame, because these Mexican table sauces can be so much more than watery blend of canned tomatoes and...
View ArticleCelebrating 100 Years of the Erector Set
Many of my earliest creative memories are sitting on that awful burnt orange rug in our basement floor, listening to LPs on my brown plastic Fisher Price record player, and putting together [seemingly]...
View ArticleThe Subculture of Barbershops
Sharpologist - a new site devoted to the art of traditional shaving - explores the subculture of barbershops, those who choose to seek out shaving and grooming practice as an art, rather than a matter...
View ArticleRecipe Roundup: 5 Easy-To-Make Homemade Salsas to Celebrate Cinco de Mayo!
Ahh...salsas. From quick and fresh to spicy and smoky, they're packed with lots of flavor and I love every version. Whether you want to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with traditional Mexican flavors, or...
View ArticleHow to: Make a DIY Wooden Cabinet from Upcycled Flooring Scraps
For any DIY enthusiast, the clearance bin at the DIY store is a regular stop. This project, the Oddstock Floored Wardrobe was designed and built to take advantage of that bin. Brazilian teak...
View ArticleThe Perfect Pour Over Coffee Set
Pour over is one of coffee's simplest methods, and one of the most preferred by tasters and coffee geeks. You simply pour heated water over the ground beans through a filter...kinda like a drip...
View ArticleHow to: Repurpose an Old Office Cart into a DIY Rolling Bar Cart
Every man's home or office needs a good place to stash the booze. Unless you have to hide it away in a desk drawer somewhere, I prefer to go the way of Mad Men and have it on display in the classiest...
View ArticleDIY Idea: How to Make Your Own Color-Trimmed Mirror
Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the coolest of them all? Well, you of course.Er, yikes... sorry about that one. But! This simple idea really will transform your - otherwise boring - full-length mirror...
View ArticleThe Art of Fixing Things
Look, I'm no handyman. Sure, I'm pretty comfortable around power tools, but if you ask me to look under your sink or which staircases need a handrail according to code, I'ma just Google it with the...
View ArticleRoundup: 5 Awesome Gym Bags to Match Any Style
Summer is fast approaching and, after long hibernation, you are working your butt off to get in shape. Protein smoothies? Check! Workout plan? Check! Cool gym bag?Um, no? Worry not, friend. In this...
View ArticleBlow My Mindsday: May 1, 2013
Each Wednesday, I post some of my favorite can't-miss links, images, and otherwise mindblowing goodies from across the web. Russian blogger and photographer Lusika33 ventured inside an active volcano...
View ArticleThe Ultimate Beer Cocktail: How to Make a Perfect Michelada
Tastes like sunshine and feels like an ocean breeze. What is it? An all-inclusive vacation?Nope. It’s a Michelada, a mouth-watering beer cocktail that's perfect for the weekend (or any sunny day,...
View ArticleReports from the Pantone and Lowe's "Color with Confidence" Event in NYC was your weekend? Mine? Fantastic. I was fortunate to spend it in New York City, at the "Color with Confidence" Event from Pantone, Valspar, and Lowe's. It was organized to celebrate the...
View ArticleThe World's Smallest Movie: A Stop-Motion Animation of Individual Atoms
Animation is nothing more than arranging relatively stable things, taking a picture, and then moving and doing it again, frame by frame. Some artists use pen and ink, some clay, some real world...
View ArticlePlaygrounds of the Future: LOOP International Kindergarten
This isn't an art installation or a new site for the next Olympics. It's a kindergarten in the heart of one of the largest cities in China. Yes. A kinder-freaking-garten. Take a peek! This building...
View ArticleShaving 101: A Guide to Shaving and Facial Hair
Of course, you know how to shave. Me too. But this interactive graphic from the team at Men's Health provides lots of interesting tips for a variety of facial/scalp hair combos. Particularly, there are...
View ArticleHow To: Wear Camouflage in Your Everyday Wardrobe
Wearing camouflage is one of those things that you need to know how to do well, or you’ll look like a bad 90’s throwback picture. Fortunately, there are a few sartorialists out there that can help you...
View ArticleA Stop-Motion History of Typography
Graphic designer and media-maker Ben Barrett-Forest made this excellent animated video detailing the history of typography. It's plenty educational, and all kinds of fun to watch: Ben says it was...
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